Twins and Tails

"Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but the moments that take our breath away..."
My breath is taken away by the 5 loves of my life... my husband, daughters and doggies!

Monday, May 10, 2010

Daybook- Being a Mommy...

Outside my window... I saw a Mommy Gecko and a baby Gecko on the patio.

I am thinking... I was put on this earth to be a Mommy.

I am thankful for... celebrating a wonderful Mother's Day with my two girls, and getting lots of hugs and kisses all day!

I am reading... two new favorite titles this week, Where is Baby's Belly Button and Peekaboo Zoo. They are both interactive books... very exciting stuff!

I am hoping... to have a great week!

On my mind... soo many things to do, so little time!

We're learning... how to roar like a lion and hoot like an owl!

Noticing that... Being a mommy is exhausting... I still like to nap when my girls nap!

Pondering these words... "bear" the girls favorite toy, and very clearly spoken word. When it is said, I am in immediate search and recover mode! Where did I last see bear??

A few plans for the week... calendar is wide open... we'll see how fast it fills up!

From the kitchen... Having a birthday dinner for Theresa and Sammy tonight... complete with Dog cake!

Around the house... I had two helpers helping me clean Saturday, whatever I picked up, they pulled right out behind me!

One of my favorite things... watching the girls give each other high-fives... way too cute!